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Moses House Ministries

Case Manager



The Case Manager is part of a Case Management team responsible for carrying out effective ministry to families of young children. The Case Manager will develop meaningful work relationship with parents, families, coordinators, staff, and volunteers that provide training, encouragement, support, and accountability. The purpose of the Case Manager position is to facilitate clients’ successful creation and implementation of family empowerment plans, leading to self-sufficiency and success.


Responsible to

Program Director


Description of Duties


  • Achieve deliverable results as per program contracts: annually assist a certain number of participants that will develop a family empowerment plan and exit programs at a level of stable or better based on assessments.

  • Provide intake and assessment for new clients in an individual appointment and/or group orientation.

  • Assist each participant with preparation of a family empowerment plan, addressing the family’s immediate needs and goals for self-sufficiency or family resiliency, with regular appointments, both center-based and home-based, for monitoring and evaluation and assist families seeking resources on a one-time basis.

  • Ensure participants receive necessary services from referral agencies and advocate on behalf of clients with referral agencies.

  • Arrange transportation needs with bus vouchers or client van: Schedule rides with client van coordinating with Van Drivers;

  • Keep accurate records of each client’s visits, needs and other data;

  • Contribute to a current resource directory and have it accessible;

  • Maintain a positive working relationship with staff, mentors, family teachers, and other volunteers, as well as with community partners to whom clients are referred for services;

  • Coordinate with Employment Development Specialist on behalf of clients store accounts and Employment Development Program;

  • Assist in coordination and staff support of classes and support groups. Teach classes when needed;

  • Assist in collection and recording of client demographics or data and reporting to appropriate funder or Moses House staff person;

  • Attend all general client meetings and staff meetings when scheduled;

  • Interact with public at speaking engagements and other community outreaches, as scheduled;

  • Other duties as needed that will benefit the clients served and contribute to the success of our mission.


Time Requirement

40 hours per week


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